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A little about us...

POW/MIA Classroom talks

Members will come to a classroom and discuss the POW/MIA issue and discuss the effects on the veterans and the family especially those that have been left behind.  This the Rolling Thunder® main issue and teaches our teenagers about real effects of war and what could happen to them and keeps our mission alive. 

Flag Raisings, Welcome home & Send off's

We perform flag raising ceremonies and will supply a POW flag if you don't have one. We also keep up the maintenance on that flag and will replace it when need be. We also give our Military being deployed a memorable send off or a welcome home upon request. Anything to show our commitment and support to our veterans. 

Government Affairs related to Veterans Issues

One of the key functions of Rolling Thunder is to push veterans bills.  We travel to the capitol in DC every year and also meet with and write letters and email them to let them know what bills are important to our veterans, POW's & MIA's. To read more about the current bills we are supporting follow this link to Rolling Thunder National

Help Veterans Homeless Shelters, VA Hospital & VA Foster Care Homes

Throughout the year we collect clothing, toiletries, bedding, shoes and take them to the MVF Homeless shelter in Detroit. Some of these items are also given to the homeless veterans living in the woods surrounding the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor.  We also sponsor two VA Foster Care Homes in Livingston County. 

Give a Hand Up to Veterans in need

We will give a hand up to a veteran that is having a hard time keeping up with their bills due to unexpected issues.  Whether it be making a payment for a utility bills, a house payment or groceries. We will always try to help if we can. 

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  • What is Rolling Thunder®, Inc. all about?"
    Incorporated in 1995, Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is a class 501(c) (4) non-profit organization with over 90 chartered chapters throughout the United States and members abroad. While many members of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. are veterans and many ride motorcycles, neither qualification is a prerequisite. Rolling Thunder®, Inc. members are old and young, men and women, veterans and non-veterans. All are united in the cause to bring full accountability for the Prisoners Of War-Missing In Action (POW/MIA) of all wars, reminding the government, the media and the public by our watchwords: “We Will Not Forget.”
  • How do I become a member?
    Just attend one of our Monthly Meetings to see what we're all about and fill out a membership application. Not all chapters meet at the same date or time so be sure to check out the meeting place and time on the Home page of our website.
  • Is this a motorcycle club?
    While we started out with a motorcycle ride, a demonstration on Washington DC. We are not a motorcycle club. We are a Non Profit organization.
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